Snow has started falling in Oulu, bringing much needed light to the darkest season of the year. The winter solstice on December 21st is the turn for brighter days in the northern hemisphere. Looking towards the spring, we are directing our thoughts to again start meeting our customers and partners around the world. Despite the uncertainty with the corona pandemic development, we hope to return to normal annual routines soon.

Summer 2O21

The summer season 2021 is already turning toward the fall. While the laboratory work continued throughout the summer, we used the holiday break in the production for maintenance and renewal of the flooring in our largest production suite. The work in the new suite has already commenced and we welcome new projects to join the line.

Reliable Business Partner

Pharmatory has again been ranked as a company with lowest credit risk classification by Dun & Bradstreet.


The global COVID-19 outbreak now affects most, if not all, businesses in many ways. In order to protect our team and keep the factory operating, we have reduced our external activities to bare minimum. All on-site visits and trade show participations have been called off until it is safe to travel again. This does not by any means make us unavailable for contacting and discussions. We can be reached normally by e-mail and telephone and web meetings can readily be set up for more detailed information transfers. Please don’t hesitate to contact us using the available channels whenever necessary.


Please do take good care of yourselves and stay safe! We look forward to resuming the normal activities when possible.

CPhI 2O19 in Frankfurt

The CPhI Worldwide trade exhibition 2019 was held this month in Frankfurt, Germany. Two busy days with a lot of walking and meeting with existing and new contacts. See you all again next year when the show returns to Milano!

Production manager

Mrs. Anna-Maria Solaranta has recently joined Pharmatory as our new production manager. Anna-Maria holds a M.Sc in Chemical Biology and Organic Chemistry from the University of Turku and a B.Sc in Pharmacy from the University of Helsinki. She has earlier worked as a research chemist and as a hospital pharmacist. We are all very happy to welcome Anna-Maria and her skills to our team to help our customers achieve their goals.


BOS 2019

Pharmatory attended the Biotech Outsourcing Strategies, BOS event in Basel, on 19.-20. June 2019. The event brought together stakeholders in pharmaceutical R&D outsourcing to share experience, develop knowledge and skills and build new and existing business partnerships. We thank everyone involved for the updates, new business introductions and good discussions on both formal and informal occasions. It really was a pleasure to meet you all again and we look forward to continuing our collaborations in many ways.

Season’s Greetings

We would like to thank all our customers and collaboration partners for the year 2018 and look forward to making the New Year 2019 an even more prosperous one for us all.

Tuotantopäällikkö hakusessa

Etsimme joukkoomme tuotantopäällikköä (production manager), jonka tehtäväalueena on tuotannon koordinointi ja dokumentointi pilot-mittakaavassa sekä näihin tuotteisiin liittyvien asiakas- ja viranomaisyhteyksien hoitaminen.

Tarjoamme vastuullisen ja monipuolisen työn pienessä ja viihtyisässä työyhteisössä, jossa voi kehittää itseään ja osaamistaan kokeneiden työtoverien tukemana.

Palveluvalikoimamme sisältää laajan valikoiman palveluja uusien yhdisteiden laboratoriomittakaavan synteeseistä kaupallisten tuotteiden pilottituotantoon. Analyysilaboratoriossamme varmistamme väli- ja lopputuotteiden laadun kattavilla menetelmillä. Toimintamme laadun varmistavat Euroopan ja Yhdysvaltojen lääkeviranomaisten sekä asiakasyritysten suorittamat laatutarkastukset, joihin valittava tuotantopäällikkö myös osallistuu.

Hakijalta edellytämme prosessiteollisuuden eri osa-alueiden tuntemusta, cGMP-ympäristössä toimimisen osaamista sekä kiinnostusta kemiallisten prosessien hallintaan ja kehittämiseen. Tehtävässä toimiminen edellyttää myös kykyä ohjeistaa prosessimiehiä ja laborantteja sekä hyvää suomen ja englannin kielen suullista ja kirjallista taitoa.

Tehtävään valittavalla tulee olla soveltuva korkeakoulututkinto esim. orgaanisesta kemiasta tai kemiantekniikan DI. Valittavalta edellytetään myös hyväksyttyä terveystarkastusta, joka sisältää huumausainetestauksen.

Hakemukset palkkatoivomuksineen ja ansioluetteloineen 30.11.2018 mennessä osoitteeseen info(at)

Lisätietoja tehtävästä antaa Heikki Hassila p. 044 2951173 keskiviikkona 14.11. ja perjantaina 16.11. klo 12-15.

more talent to the analytical team

MS. Annika Uimonen has joined the analytical team of Pharmatory. Annika brings with her the long experience in the industry together with her enthusiasm to further strengthen our capabilities and has already contributed well to the daily working spirit in the laboratory.