Pharmatory autumn outlook

The summer season is slowly coming to a close and autumn colors are starting to appear in the nature. At Pharmatory the construction work of the new analytical equipment room has been completed and we are preparing for moving the equipment in. After that we will start reorganizing the ‘old’ laboratory to make it more user-friendly and allow for more workstations for the technicians.

The projects are again running in the production and in the lab, while the BD is preparing for the CPhI in Barcelona in October. On the drawing board is also a trip to South Korea to meet our customers and collaboration partners there, so a hectic but interesting autumn season awaits us all. We are very much looking forward to being able to meet You at some of these occasions!

62nd AFI symposium 2O23 in Rimini, Italy

Pharmatory attended the 62nd AFI symposium in Rimini, Italy, together with close to 800 hundred other attendees. The symposium had a very cosy atmosphere and we had many nice and fruitful discussions: We would like to thank everyone who visited our booth and shared their thoughts with us. And thank you very much Jenni Mäkipää for taking care of the arrangements and being such a nice company throughout the exhibition!

Pharmatory in South Korea

Pharmatory just recently visited the Seoul area in South Korea to meet with existing and new customers. We also visited BioKorea trade show organized in COEX Convention and Exhibition Centre. A big ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone, it was such a pleasure to meet you all and we look forward to the next opportunity to come over again!

New Production Technician

Mr. Markus Lohi recently joined Pharmatory as a production technician to add his energy and skills to our team. We look forward to working together with him to help our customers reach their goals.

Health Tech Top Expert Oulu 2023

Pharmatory on mukana Health Tech Top Expert Oulu 2023 -ohjelmassa.

Koulutuksen tavoitteena on löytää asiantuntijaprofiilin ja korkeakoulututkinnon omaavia työnhakijoita ja kouluttaa heistä huippuosaajia kasvavan ja osaajapulasta kärsivän terveysteknologian toimialalle. Health Tech Top Expert Rekrykoulutuksen hakuprosessi ja koulutettavien rekrytointi toteutetaan yhteistyössä Pohjois-Pohjanmaan TE-palveluiden kanssa. Koulutuksen yrityskumppanit sijoittuvat pääasiassa Oulun ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan alueelle, mutta osaajat voivat osallistua toteutukseen ympäri Suomen.

Tutustu ohjelmaan ja hae mukaan 12.1.2023 mennessä!

Facility upgrades

During the summer break we installed a new material lift to improve material flow and employee safety. The production facilities were also improved with new flooring to last unit still missing it.

Spring season with new faces

Ms. Heidi Tetri joined the Pharmatory QC team in April 2022. Heidi has years of experience working in the GMP environment as well as in forensic field, so there is not much that can take her by surprise or shake her commitment and dedication.

Ms. Aino Paldaslahti rejoined Pharmatory after a couple of years of self-employment to work part-time in the analytical laboratory while still taking care of her own customers as well. Aino has a long background at Pharmatory working in the R&D, production and analytical laboratory and we are all very happy to welcome her back.

Mr. Jari Kinnunen join the company maintenance team after working in paper chemical industry for over 20 years. Jari has a lot of experience and practical knowledge and now offers his skills and enthusiasm to make our daily work easier.

Aino Paldaslahti
Jari Kinnunen

Laborantti valittu

Alkuvuodesta 2022 avoimeksi ilmoittamamme laadunvalvontalaborantin vakanssi herätti mukavasti kiinnostusta ja saimme hyviä hakemuksia, monet kiitokset kaikille hakemuksensa lähettäneille! Viran tuleva hoitaja on nyt valittu ja hän on ilmoittanut ottavansa paikan vastaan. Esittelemme henkilön myöhemmin kevään aikana, kun kaikki tarvittavat järjestelyt on saatu loppuun ja hän on päässyt aloittamaan tehtävässään.